School Uniform

Hugh Myddelton's uniform policy is that children should attend school in uniform. We feel uniform is very important, as it adds to the sense of community and friendship amongst our children, and helps them to understand that school is a distinct environment for learning.  

Please click the link below to see detailed information on our School uniform and where it can be purchased using the link below:

Uniform Code EYFS

Uniform Code KS1

Uniform Code Years 3 to 5Uniform Code Year 6

Please note, our uniform no longer displays the school logo or badge, therefore, uniform is available from a range of shops including Rough Cuts in Angel Market and most supermarkets.


Pre-loved uniform

We appreciate donations from our famillies of any uniform that is still in a good condition but is no longer used. This includes when children have grown out of items and when they leave the school (especially blazers and ties).

Updates for parents, regarding the sale of pre-loved school uniform, will be posted on Class Dojo.